
Apple New iPod Touch - Videotelephony

Watch up next month for the release of Apple New iPod Touch that supports VideoTelephony and even more lighter and tenuous wherein it is loaded with a Ritina display allowing users to appreciate more clearer and precise images and videos.The built in camera can be used either front or back side while actively using your iPhone showing the background to the person on the other side of the line.

 The New iPod Touch supports iOS 4.1 for a multi tasking task for users and loaded with 3 axis-zyro, allowing the use of various applications. The product is available through Apple online store, For 8GB = 282.31500 U.S. dollars, 32GB = 379.66 U.S. dollars and 64GB = 503.56 U.S. dollars

[Via Joanna Kim, Aving.Net]
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lina@happy family said...

Wow... It's very thin ipod!

I can't catch up with the fast moving mobile phone technology...

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